Banish the Demons - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 70
  • Required Level: 0
  • Difficulté : 0 66 68 73 77
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Kronk
  • End: Kronk

Banish the Demons

Kronk has asked you to use the Banishing Crystal to banish 15 demons at Forge Camp: Wrath or Forge Camp: Terror atop the Blade's Edge Mountains. Return it to him once you have done so.


You've arrived at the perfect time, friend! We are in need of assistance. In return, you will receive something very rare, which will help us both in the end.

We're not a violent ogre any longer, but the demons nearby threaten to overrun us and the Skyguard. The problem with demons is that, once killed, they come right back in new bodies!

But, if you use this crystal to summon a banishing portal, when they die near it, their essences will be drawn in and banished back from whence they came!


That'll teach them! And, of course, now for your reward.

The demons of Forge Camp: Wrath, to the north, have created a special transporter on their southern border. This experimental gate is being used to expand the forge camp, and we don't think we need to tell you how that will effect us if they expand too far.

However, if we were you, we'd take this darkrune over to Gahk, and ask him how you can help. Just take it easy on him, <name>. Like you, he's new here.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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