The Fall of Magtheridon - Quêtes

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The Fall of Magtheridon

Return Magtheridon's Head to Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.


The source of Illidan Stormrage's fel orc army has been vanquished. The manufactory halts production of its grim product - at least for now. All that remains are a few trinkets and this severed head - a fitting trophy for a hero of the Horde.

Return Magtheridon's head to Nazgrel at Thrallmar.


This defeat is not only a blow to Illidan. The Legion too reels... A pit lord commander has been defeated. The siege of Hellfire Citadel now holds no purpose for the Burning Legion. All of their efforts will undoubtedly be turned upon the Black Temple.

Redemption comes for Illidan... and soon.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 190000 experience.
  • 1100 reputation with Thrallmar
This quest ends at Orgrimmar UNUSED

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