To the Evergrove - Quêtes

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To the Evergrove

Speak with Arthorn Windsong at the Evergrove in Blade's Edge Mountains.


Are you certain you saw a raven in the barrow den?

This is a troubling development. There's little we can do to help Clintar and the dreamwardens directly, but if we can learn more about what's threatening the Emerald Dream, we may be able to stop it.

We've been learning about the resurgence in an ancient arakkoa cult in Blade's Edge -- one that venerates a raven god. Go to the Evergrove and find Arthorn Windsong. There may be a connection between what's happening there and in the Emerald Dream!


Oh my...

I've been helping Timeon with his research on the raven cult, but we never imagined its patron had any reach beyond Blade's Edge!
This quest starts at Zangarmarsh and ends at Blade's Edge Mountains

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