The Mark of the Nexus-King - Quêtes

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The Mark of the Nexus-King

The Image of Commander Ameer at Bash'ir's Landing in the Blade's Edge Mountains wants you to bring him a Mark of the Nexus-King.


What I must now know is what the Ethereum have held inside the Mana-Tombs of Auchindoun.

In your battles against the beasts of the stasis chambers of Bash'ir you may run across an item known as the Mark of the Nexus-King. Should you find such an item, return it to me immediately! It is the final piece in crafting a key that will allow access to the stasis chamber inside the Mana-Tombs.


At last!

Two final prisons? I shudder to think what horrors lie in wait...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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