The Seat of the Naaru - Quêtes

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  • Required Level: 0
  • Difficulté : 0 2 5
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Draenei Orphan
  • End: O'ros


The Seat of the Naaru

Take your orphan, Dornaa, to stand before O'ros at the bottom of the Seat of the Naaru inside of the Exodar, which is on Azuremyst Isle. Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.

Remember that you can use your map inside the city.


Do you know anything about the naaru? They're these angelic beings that have been helping the draenei for a really long time. I've seen a bunch around Shattrath.

They say that one naaru, O'ros, was with the Exodar when it traveled to your homeworld. I should like to see for myself.

Can you take me there? I bet we could get there fast by using one of the portals inside the Terrace of Light at Shattrath City! When we get there, if you get lost, we could always just look at your map.

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