Further Instructions - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 27
  • Required Level: 16
  • Difficulté : 16 23 25 30 34
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Sputtervalve
  • End: Ziz Fizziks


Further Instructions

Bring the new orders to Ziz Fizziks in the Stonetalon Mountains.


The matter of this gnome that has been hired by the Venture Company has caused a bit of a stir in Undermine. The trade princes do not approve of Razdunk's consorting with this Gerenzo.

Riddlevox has asked me to take care of the problem, and I'm sure he was instructed to do so by one or more of the trade princes. Of course, the Director didn't tell me that. Let's just say I have a hunch.

Whatever the case, Gerenzo must be removed, and it would be a fitting test to have Fizziks take care of him.


Eliminate Gerenzo? Now there is a prospect that I have no objections to.

Gnomes are bad enough as it is, but what I learned about Gerenzo only makes it worse. Apparently, he was one of the head engineers in Gnomeregan, where he was working on their secret project--we could never infiltrate Dun Morogh well enough to find out specific details. It was a failure. Our reports say that whatever it was literally exploded in their faces.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1100 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Ratchet
This quest starts at The Barrens and ends at Stonetalon Mountains

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