Trollbane is Looking for You - Quêtes

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Trollbane is Looking for You

Assistant Klatu has informed you that Force Commander Danath Trollbane has been seeking you. Speak to him in the barracks at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.


While we were busy, a messenger was waiting out in the hall. I suppose he grew tired, or perhaps he simply ran away at the sight of Jules floating around the room.

Either way, Force Commander Danath is looking for you. I suggest that you seek an audience with him inside the barracks as quickly as possible!


It's about time! I heard all about what you've been up to with that draenei priest. You totally freaked my messenger out!

Now that you're done with that, I have a little mission planned for you to Hellfire Citadel.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1900 experience.
This quest ends at Hellfire Peninsula

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