Digging for Prayer Beads - Quêtes

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Digging for Prayer Beads

Recover the Draenei Prayer Beads and bring them to Assistant Klatu in Honor Hold.


Anchorite Barada plans to exorcise the corruption from Colonel Jules, and will require an assistant for the task. Such an assistant must be prepared...

I am ashamed to admit that my prayer beads were lost in Honor Hold's courtyard. I believe the dog Fei Fei stole them and buried them, but I do not know where. If you speak with his master, Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell, perhaps she will know where Fei Fei hides his stolen treasures.


You found the prayer beads! Well done, <name>. You are a wonder, indeed -- you slay the horrors of Hellfire Peninsula one moment and find lost treasures the next. Your people truly inspire!

It is good that you recovered these beads... for they will be invaluable in the exorcism ritual to come.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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