The Fallen Exarch - Quêtes

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The Fallen Exarch

Commander Ra'vaj at the Sha'tari Outpost in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest wants you to destroy the contents of the Auchenai Coffin.


They are feeding the souls they steal to a coffin that they have dragged out from the Auchenai Crypts. My scouts believe the contents of the coffin to contain the first exarch of the crypts. They seek to resurrect the ancient one!

You must battle your way to the western side of Auchindoun and disturb the contents of that coffin before they feed it enough souls. Should you lose your way, follow the walking souls.

Destroy whatever is inside that coffin!


Victory is ours! This defeat will set the Auchenai back several weeks.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 110000 experience.
  • 275 reputation with Lower City
The entirety of this quest happens at Terokkar Forest

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