Wyrmskull Watcher - Quêtes

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Wyrmskull Watcher

Deliver the Meeting Note to Watcher Moonshade at the entrance of the Wyrmskull Tunnel in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


Hmm, I'm not certain what we should do. I'm not much of a military planner.

Watcher Moonshade will know what to do. He's heading up our defensive efforts at the Wyrmskull Tunnel to the west at the end of Wyrmskull Bridge. We have a force out there just in case the cultists try anything funny.

Please, take the note to him with all due haste.


It's as I thought, and that's not good!

I've got an idea for how to help you, but first, I was wondering if you might help us out first?

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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