The Skettis Offensive - Quêtes

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The Skettis Offensive

Hold off the attackers and speak with Rilak.


Skettis has waged war on us! Have you gathered enough to help with Shattrath's defense?

Hold off the attackers!


I applaud your prowess in combat, <class>. You have proven yourself to be a true defender of the Light. May A'dal's blessing shine upon your darkest hours.

But look far into the horizon. Dark skies loom above Skettis. Terokk is undoubtedly plotting his next move. Shattrath is safe for now. But only tomorrow knows what terror will descend upon us.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 165000 experience.
  • 550 reputation with Lower City
The entirety of this quest happens at Shattrath City

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