Report to Nazgrel - Quêtes

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Report to Nazgrel

Speak with Nazgrel in Thrallmar.


<name>, during your foray with the Demoniac Scryer, I sent word of your exploits against the fel orcs. Nazgrel, our illustrious leader in Thrallmar, wishes to speak with you. I believe he has a bloody mission in mind...


It is good to hear of all your moves against the fel orcs, <name>. The apothecaries have spent much time and resources studying the cause of their corruption, and although such information in invaluable... my orc blood burns to strike a severe blow against these betrayers!

Listen close, and I will explain my task...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4800 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Thrallmar
This quest ends at Orgrimmar UNUSED

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