Thin the Flock - Quêtes

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Thin the Flock

Lieutenant Gravelhammer asks that you kill 14 Shienor Talonites and 6 Shienor Sorcerers and then return to him in Allerian Stronghold.
Shienor Talonite (14) killed
Shienor Sorcerer (6) killed


The arakkoa have attacked us again, this time striking in the night and then using their dark magic to escape before we could marshal our soldiers.

Veil Reskk and Veil Shienor lie to the north and northwest. Find these arakkoa nests and kill as many as you can. They may not fear us, but at least we can thin their numbers.


Well done <class>. The arakkoa have learned to fear the might of the Alliance.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 40000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Terokkar Forest

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