Exorcising the Trees - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 68
  • Required Level: 66
  • Difficulté : 66 71 74
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Treebole
  • End: Treebole


Exorcising the Trees

Collect 5 Grishnath Orbs and 5 Dire Pinfeathers and then combine them into Exorcism Feathers. Use these feathers to exorcise and slay 5 Koi-Koi Spirits from the Raven's Wood Leafbeards. Once you've done this, return to Treebole in the Raven's Wood of the Blade's Edge Mountains.
Koi-Koi Spirit (5) killed


The Grishna have caused the leafbeards and stonebarks to be inhabited by evil koi-koi spirits.

We must save the trees or soon all of the Raven's Wood will be lost forever!

Combine the magic of a Grishnath orb, found throughout Grishnath, with a dire pinfeather from a dire raven.

Use the resultant exorcism feather to draw out and slay the koi-koi spirit as quickly as possible. The stonebarks are too powerful for this ritual, but if enough leafbeards are saved, they will be freed as well.


The evil is lifting from the Raven's Wood! Can you feel it, <name>?

You have saved us, and all of the surrounding wildlife, from certain destruction, little one!

I keep stashed four magic rings amongst my boughs for such occasions as this, when a hero arises to do some great deed.

You are one such hero! On behalf of all of the Raven's Wood, we give you thanks.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 149500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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