Update for Sentinel Thenysil - Quêtes

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Update for Sentinel Thenysil

Return to Sentinel Thenysil in Ashenvale.


<name>, you have done a great deed by lending a hand here.

The Sentinels of Ashenvale will reward you well if you informed them that Gaxim and I are alive. Tell them we are well on our way to stopping the Venture Co. and healing the lands.

Find Tara Thenysil in Astranaar; she will be pleased to see you've returned with good news.


Thank you, <name>. You have done a service to the Sentinels.

I'm glad to see Kaela... and even Gaxim, are doing well.

You've earned our appreciation.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 875 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Darnassus
This quest starts at Stonetalon Mountains and ends at Ashenvale

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