Baron Sablemane Has Requested Your Presence - Quêtes

Baron Sablemane Has Requested Your Presence

You have received an invitation to speak again with Baron Sablemane on some matter of import. Go to him at the Circle of Blood in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


<name>, while you were out being one hell of a <class>, Baron Sablemane sent his pet dragon up here with a message.

He's asked for you personally. From what I understand, he wants you to head up his own fight against the gronn.

I guess you're the most qualified person in all of Outland to help him, but if I were you, I'd get in contact with a couple of friends first and ask them to join you at the Circle of Blood.


Ah, I see that you decided to take your sweet time answering my summons.

No matter, I have plenty of time to exact my revenge, and I intend for you to be my proxy in the coming battle!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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