Wanted: Worg Master Kruush - Quêtes

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Wanted: Worg Master Kruush

Kill Worg Master Kruush and bring his head to Captain Darkhowl in Spinebreaker Post.


The poster reads:

"Worg Master Kruush leads the worg riders of the Bleeding Hollow clan. A price has been placed on his head, for his riders exact heavy tolls on supply trains to Spinebreaker Post."

"Scouts report him within Zeth'Gor, and the hero able to bring the severed head of this villain to me will earn the thanks of the Horde, and a large bounty."

"-Captain Darkhowl"


Ah, so you slew that villain, Kruush! Well done, <name>! Well done! His death will defang those cursed worg riders. In fact, I hope you took a few of them out during your foray into Zeth'Gor!

Here's your reward. You earned every piece of it!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 9500 experience.
  • 300 reputation with Thrallmar
This quest ends at Hellfire Peninsula

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