The Ashtongue Broken - Quêtes

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The Ashtongue Broken

Varen the Reclaimer wants you to go to the Ruins of Baa'ri and slay 3 Ashtongue Handlers, 4 Ashtongue Warriors and 6 Ashtongue Shaman.

Completing quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.
Ashtongue Handler (3) killed
Ashtongue Warrior (4) killed
Ashtongue Shaman (6) killed


The Ashtongue tribe is feared among all Broken. It consists of the most vicious and bloodthirsty individuals, handpicked by Akama himself. They are as fierce and ruthless as any naga, demon or blood elf in Illidan's army and they have been deployed in large numbers at the Ruins of Baa'ri, to the north. Go there and put a dent in their numbers before they get a chance to mount an attack on us.


Glory to the Scryers, <name>. You've done the Seer's bidding by defeating those who follow Illidan.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Shadowmoon Valley

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