It's a Trap! - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 67
  • Required Level: 65
  • Difficulté : 65 70 73
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Baron Sablemane
  • End: Rexxar


It's a Trap!

Deliver the Dragonfire Trap to Rexxar at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


There's is no cause of fury greater in this world than that of Gruul and his sons. They slaughtered my people - my children - and now I will have revenge.

I have fashioned a trap from dragon fire, and if you're clever enough, you can use it to kill even a gronn.

Just hurry, take the trap to Rexxar. My thirst for revenge must be quenched.


Hmm, a trap fashioned from the essence of dragon fire? I wonder how Sablemane comes by such rarified substances?

It does not matter. What does matter is that we are going to use it to slay a son of Gruul.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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