Tabards of the Illidari - Quêtes

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Tabards of the Illidari

Collect 10 Illidari Tabards and then use the Kor'kron Flare Gun to signal another Kor'kron Wind Rider.

Speak with Overlord Or'barokh at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley should you lose your Kor'kron Flare Gun and require a replacement.


The wind riders must return to Shadowmoon Village to prepare for the next phase of our assault. What I need from you now are the tabards that these blood elves wear.

When you have collected enough tabards, call for a wind rider using the Kor'kron flare gun. Prepare yourself for a bit of espionage, <race>!


Ah-ha! These will do quite nicely.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 158000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Shadowmoon Valley

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