Find the Deserter - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 69
  • Required Level: 67
  • Difficulté : 67 72 75
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Sergeant Kargrul
  • End: Parshah


Find the Deserter

Locate Parshah in the Magma Fields and speak to him.


There's nothing here that would explain why the spirits of these arakkoa have remained in this world or how they came into thirst for the blood of orcs.

I think our best lead is to try to find the deserter mentioned in the journal. If he left his comrades at the camp, there's a chance you might be able to persuade him to help us understand what the dark conclave arakkoa are planning.

Start your search for him on the road through the Magma Fields to the southeast.


Yes, I am the deserter mentioned in the commander's journal. I have been waiting for the day when others might recognize the threat posed by those I once called brothers.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 12500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Shadowmoon Valley

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