Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 21
  • Required Level: 17
  • Difficulté : 17 19 24 29
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Lomac Gearstrip
  • End: Lomac Gearstrip
  • Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome


Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun

Bring 4 Minor Mana Potions and 2 Elixirs of Minor Fortitude to Lomac Gearstrip in Ironforge.


Hahaha... you need Nitromirglyceronium to stop goblins from destroying a forest?!

I don't care if you know Gaxim or not... I'll give you the stuff just to see you or them explode into itty bitty pieces.

There's a problem though: I'm all out.

But I'll tell you what, you bring me the correct potions, and I'll make some up for you right away.

The least you can do is prove you've got some skill as an alchemist before I just give you a sample of my greatest creation.


This'll do nicely.

If I didn't know better, stranger, I'd say you knew somethin' about alchemy. Good, good... the world's not all about swords and sorcery, you know?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Ironforge

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