Into the Churning Gulch - Quêtes

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Into the Churning Gulch

Baron Sablemane has told you that in order to make the poison that Rexxar needs, you must acquire 7 Crust Burster Venom Glands. Return to him at the Circle of Blood in the Blade's Edge Mountains once you have done so.


So, your Rexxar would have me fashion a poison for him? I'll give him what he desires, but there will be a price. Even for friends, there must be a price. Free things destroy friendships.

First, you must venture a short distance to the southwest to the Churning Gulch.

Therein mill some of the most poisonous creatures in all of Outland, or anywhere. I speak of the crust bursters, and this poison will require gathering their glands for me.


Very well. A simple, if mundane, task has been completed. Now, hand me the glands and I will do the difficult part.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 116500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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