The Hand of Gul'dan - Quêtes

The Hand of Gul'dan

Speak with Earthmender Torlok at the Altar of Damnation in Shadowmoon Valley.


The elements need your help, <race>! Shadowmoon Valley has been subject to unspeakable evils. The spirits remain tortured to this day. Many are enraged and unwilling to commune with the Earthen Ring.

Help this world heal, friend.

Directly northeast of Wildhammer Stronghold you will find an area known as the Altar of Damnation. Make your way there and speak with Earthmender Torlok.


It is good that you came, <race>. We have much work to do.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 31500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Shadowmoon Valley

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