Shredding Machines - Quêtes

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Shredding Machines

Kill the shredders XT:4 and XT:9, then return to Seereth Stonebreak at the border of the Stonetalon Mountains and the Barrens.
XT:4 killed
XT:9 killed


There is a relation to the spiritual magic of shaman and the natural magic of druids. This is why we shaman can hear the plea of the spirits of Stonetalon. Many of their whisperings are lost to me, but one message, one vision, is clear...

I saw a vision of two man-shaped machines in Windshear Crag, northwest of Greatwood Vale, felling trees with impossible speed. These metal beasts must be stopped!

In my vision, the machines were marked with strange symbols:

XT:4 and XT:9.


The destruction of the machines XT:4 and XT:9 have soothed many of the spirits of Stonetalon, <name>. With their loss, let us hope the Venture Company will remove itself from these mountains.

For if they do not, then I fear the atrocities this place has suffered will pale to what lies ahead.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1850 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Orgrimmar
The entirety of this quest happens at Stonetalon Mountains

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