Beneath Thrallmar - Quêtes

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Beneath Thrallmar

Kill Urga'zz and return to Foreman Razelcraz by the mine northwest of Thrallmar.
Urga'zz killed


I'm almost back in business. Problem is all these gan'arg are in my mine. I can't send my peons in and even once I fix this shredder I wouldn't want to risk it in combat. Deep down in the mine the gan'arg have a leader. If you kill him maybe the gan'arg will leave. Then I could make some money and buy my way out of here.


All those gan'arg are sure to clear out now. I'll be back in Booty Bay within a week. I can't wait to go fishing again. Coming to Outland was a mistake. If you'll take my advice, you'll head back the way you came. Spend some time in Stranglethorn, or maybe, if you feel adventurous, head to Un'Goro Crater. Just don't stay here.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 19500 experience.

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