Whispers on the Wind - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 66
  • Required Level: 65
  • Difficulté : 65 69 72
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Rexxar
  • End: Leoroxx


Whispers on the Wind

Search out Leoroxx at the Mok'Nathal Village in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


I have chased rumors of the Mok'Nathal across Outland with nothing to show for it. Finally, we may have found their home.

But now that the moment is here, I am filled with unease. Unease that has kept me awake deep into the nights during my search. Will they accept me?

I... know their leader's name: Leoroxx. Seek him out. You must be my eyes in this.


What brings you to our village?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11500 experience.
This quest starts at Blade's Edge Mountains

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