Letter to Jin'Zil - Quêtes

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Letter to Jin'Zil

Deliver Darsok's letter to Jin'Zil within his cave in Malaka'Jin, in Stonetalon.


You've done so well for me, <name>. You're a regular lucky rabbit's foot and there's something I want you to see.

The harpies are not from around the Barrens. They come from a place called Stonetalon, far to the northwest of here. Though it is probably a dangerous place for you, I need this letter delivered to an old friend of mine who lives there, a witch doctor by the name of Jin'Zil.

He'll be happy to know that Serena Bloodfeather is dead, and I think you'll find Stonetalon an interesting place.


Ahh, a letter from Darsok. I have not heard from him in many years.

So the last of the Bloodfeathers are dead, eh? That is good news, I can remember when my friend Rokhan went with that crazy mok'nathal to kill her older sister. Ah, to be young again, like you.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at The Barrens and ends at Stonetalon Mountains

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