Besieged! - Quêtes

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Blood Guard Gulmok outside of Shadowmoon Village, wants you to kill 10 Infernal Attackers.
Infernal Attacker (10) killed


Our scouts are putting up a good fight, but the infernals keep coming!

From their base of Legion Hold to the southwest, the demons bombard us with impunity! Even the elite Kor'kron guard cannot hold them off forever.

I'm drafting every able-bodied <race> to do their part in defense of Shadowmoon Village. This is no game, <class>. The survival of the village is at stake. Do your duty to the Horde, and join the fray!


I'm impressed that you managed to survive the carnage. You just might be the person we need for a dangerous mission.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 123000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Shadowmoon Valley

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