Tablets of Baa'ri - Quêtes

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Tablets of Baa'ri

Anchorite Ceyla at the Altar of Sha'tar wants you to collect 12 Baa'ri Tablets from the ground and from Ashtongue Workers at the Ruins of Baa'ri.

Completing quests with the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.


Years ago, the dreaded warlock known as Gul'dan raised the volcano in the middle of Shadowmoon. The draenei village of Baa'ri, to the southwest, was buried under the lava along with its inhabitants and artifacts of religious importance.

The treacherous tribe of Broken known as the Ashtongue has been ordered by Illidan to excavate the area. We must use this opportunity to recover the Tablets of Baa'ri, an ancient text rumored to hold the secrets of the Temple of Karabor, now known as the Black Temple.


The Baa'ri tablets! Yes, this might provide us with very useful information.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Shadowmoon Valley

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