Creating the Pendant - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 66
  • Required Level: 66
  • Difficulté : 66 69 73
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Timeon
  • End: Timeon


Creating the Pendant

Find 6 Ruuan'ok Claws and use them at the Ruaan'ok Oracle Circle to summon a Harbinger of the Raven. Kill it and return its Harbinger's Pendant to Timeon at Ruuan Weald.


The arakkoa of Ruaan Weald elevate from their flock the Harbingers of the Raven, the heralds of their god.

They believe that the Harbingers watch over them from the sky, where they receive the teachings of the Raven, and descend to pass this message along.

The Harbingers hold a powerful sway over the souls of the arakkoa. They use magical pendants, which we need.

Attract one of the Harbingers by slaying its flock and taking their claws. Place the claws upon the altar to get his attention.


You have it!

With this pendant, I will be able to attune you to the arakkoa of Grishnath in such a way that will enable you to comprehend their speech.

With this, we may gain further understanding of the arakkoa, and the nature of the Raven. I will need your help to do this.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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