Malaise - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 66
  • Required Level: 65
  • Difficulté : 65 69 72
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Daranelle



Collect 18 Plucked Lashh'an Feathers, then read the Lashh'an Tome in the treetops of Veil Lashh.


The magic practiced by the Lashh'an arakkoa is unnatural. They rip out handfuls-clawfuls?-of their own feathers as reagents!

That doesn't sound like good magic to me. I've come here to learn more about their spells. Unfortunately getting close is too much for me.

You could succeed: cast one of their spells on yourself, then return to me. You'll have to find one of their spellbooks, high up in the trees of Veil Lashh.

And unless you've grown feathers I can't see, you'll need to get some of those.


Flipping through the pages of the scratched notes and spindly script of the Lashh'an arrakoa, you find a page with a pictogram of the circles of power you have seen in Veil Lashh.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 113000 experience.
This quest starts at Blade's Edge Mountains

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