Borak, Son of Oronok - Quêtes

Borak, Son of Oronok

Find Borak, Son of Oronok near Eclipse Point in Shadowmoon Valley.


While Ar'tor was off hunting and Grom'tor was off fighting, Borak studied. Eventually he took up a vocation as a scholar and left for the wilds of Draenor. He returned home a few years ago a changed orc.

His heightened sense of awareness and mental acuity had forged a silent assassin.

Now a confident and powerful orc, he has taken to recovering the most guarded piece of the cipher.

Find Borak hiding near Eclipse Point, far to the south. He watches from the shadows of the bridge.


I've been watching these blood elves for weeks now, trying to get a lock on where they've hidden the third part of the Cipher of Damnation.

Thus far, I've been unsuccessful in gathering any clues. The only thing I do know is that Illidan sends an envoy from the Black Temple here once a day.

This envoy is untouchable. I've shadowed him for a week, trying to figure out how to separate him from his bodyguard. Unfortunately, the bodyguard never leaves his side.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 31500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Shadowmoon Valley

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