The Thunderspike - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

The Thunderspike

Rokgah Bloodgrip has tasked you with the retrieval of the Thunderspike. Return it to her at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


If the vision that I granted you is true, then you must travel down into the ravine and to the south end of Bloodmaul Ravine. There you will find the Draenethyst Mine.

Journey to the back of the mine, and retrieve the Thunderspike. Ignore everything else! I have no interest in the crystals of the mine, nor the ogres therein.

As soon as you have the spear return it to me here!

And, <name>, be very careful with it... I would hate to think what would happen to you should you break it.


Now I am impressed! Do you have any idea how many others died attempting to retrieve all of these relics?

We are fortunate to have you working with us here, <name>. Even if you are a bit slow.

You must allow me to reward your dedication to our cause. Choose, but choose wisely. When you are done, I will hand over the artifacts to appease the ghosts of Thunderlord Stronghold.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 146000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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