Oronok Torn-heart - Quêtes

Oronok Torn-heart

Seek out Oronok Torn-heart on the Shattered Shelf - north of Coilskar Cistern.


I do not know how we can acquire the spell that the spirits mentioned, <name>. Truth be told, I don't even know where we would start such a search.

Hrm... It is a long shot but it might be our only chance. There is an orc that I have seen visit this area before. I spoke to him briefly once. He is a hermit that claims to live above Coilskar Cistern to the northeast. Seek out this orc, Oronok Torn-heart.

As I said, it is a long shot.


Words of damnation? Never heard of 'em. Take my advice: Let the dead rest.

But since you've already come all this way, I could use some help with a few other matters. What do you say?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 12500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Shadowmoon Valley

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