The Bladespire Threat - Quêtes

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The Bladespire Threat

Tor'chunk Twoclaws has tasked you with the destruction of any 30 Bladespire Ogres and 10 Bladespire Raptors at Bladespire Hold and the Bladespire Grounds. Return to him at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade's Edge Mountains once your task is completed.
Bladespire Brute (30) killed
Bladespire Raptor (10) killed


There is a threat to Thunderlord Stronghold worse than the Alliance at Sylvanaar.

I speak of the ogres of these mountains. Just to the west, down in the ravine, lies the Bladespire clan. While they aren't the only ogres, they are the closest and they're the ones that we defeated to take this place.

Head north through the Jagged Ridge, and then down the path, which leads to their hold. Slay as many of the Bladespire ogres and their raptors as you can at Bladespire Hold and the Bladespire Grounds.


This is a good first step toward securing our position here against the ogres.

With their numbers decimated, the Bladespire will think twice about attempting to retake Thunderlord Stronghold.

Now, if they were the only clan of ogres that we have to worry about.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 141500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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