Cursed Talismans - Quêtes

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Cursed Talismans

Bring 12 Cursed Talismans to Corporal Ironridge at Expedition Point.


<name>, we cannot allow the Bleeding Hollow orcs to possess their cursed talismans! You must acquire them for us so they may be disposed of, and so the soldiers who owned them may be honored for their sacrifices.

Go to Zeth'Gor, the cursed abode of the Bleeding Hollow, and perform your grim task... return to me when you have collected the talismans.


Thank you, <name>. My heart is saddened to see these talismans -- they underline the great losses we of Honor Hold have suffered against the fel orcs. But I am heartened to see you successful against them. If we can kill enough, perhaps we might emerge from this war victorious.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Hellfire Peninsula

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