Report to the Allerian Post - Quêtes

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Report to the Allerian Post

Jenai Starwhisper wants you to report to Lieutenant Meridian at the Allerian Post in Terokkar Forest.


This calls for immediate action!

We have someone out in the field closer to Firewing Point that I want you to speak with. He'll have a better idea of what our next step should be.

Report to Lieutenant Meridian out at the Allerian Post and apprise him of the situation. You'll find the post to the northeast on the southern bank of the river just south of Firewing Point.

Godspeed, <name>.


Bomb parts. So my suspicions were true. That's not something that I wanted to be right about.

Okay, you and I have some grim business ahead of us then.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8750 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Terokkar Forest

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