Helping the Cenarion Post - Quêtes

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Helping the Cenarion Post

Falconer Drenna Riverwind wants you to offer your services to Thiah Redmane at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.


<class>, there's some tauren by the name of Thiah Redmane that keeps pestering us for assistance. She's with the Cenarion Expedition, and they've setup a little post just to the west on the south side of the the road leading to Zangarmarsh.

If you hit Thornfang Hill, you've gone too far.

Do you think you might head over there and see what she needs? I don't want to have to bother Ranger Captain Venn'ren with such trivialities.


Oh, goodness, you must be the help I requested weeks ago from Falcon Watch.

Well, you're here now and there's a lot to be done. I have just the thing to start you out.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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