Retrieving the Goods - Quêtes

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Retrieving the Goods

Audi the Needle at the Stormspire wants you to bring her 10 Dome Generator Segments.


I'm sure Shauly told you a bit about our work here. When Jaxon and I are out in the field 'hunting,' we've been collecting pieces of the ethereal eco-dome generators and hiding them in the nests of our prey, the raptors in Eco-Dome Farfield.

It's a remote area to the northeast of the Stormspire, close to the Netherstone. I don't anticipate you'll run into many ethereals there, but would you be willing to help us collect the dome generator pieces?


Excellent work! The most difficult part of the project is done. Now, all we need is a way to get these back to Area 52 and attract the interest of the Cenarion Expedition as well. There should be enough here for our own needs and to earn a little profit on the side.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 123000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Netherstorm

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