The Dark Missive - Quêtes

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The Dark Missive

Take the Missive to Warp-Scryer Kryv in the main keep of Honor Hold.


The text on the note is written in some dark, indecipherable scrawl. The more you stare at them, the more the symbols seem to twist and burn before your eyes. There is only one at Honor Hold who can decipher such archaic script - the draenei mystic, Kryv.

Take the Burning Legion Missive to Warp-Scryer Kryv who resides within the War-Room at Honor Hold.


It is fortuitous that you intercepted this missive when you did, <name>. Though it will take me some time to decipher, I can already sense the hatred and urgency woven into this scroll. I fear the Legion's true motives in this land will soon be made evident...

Give me a moment to decipher this script.

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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