Disruption - Forge Camp: Mageddon - Quêtes

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Disruption - Forge Camp: Mageddon

Kill 10 Gan'arg Servants and Razorsaw at Forge Camp Mageddon and return to Forward Commander Brock at Honor Point.
Gan'arg Servant (10) killed
Razorsaw killed


Pay close attention, <name>. We've been surveying the Legion camps that lie along the ridge ahead. We have reason to believe that these so-called 'Forge Camps' are where the demons are constructing those blasted Fel Reavers.

You can see the closest target, Forge Camp: Mageddon, to the west. Our intelligence suggests that it's still under construction. If you can slay the Gan'arg Servants and their master - Razorsaw - we can bring the Legion's Fel Reaver production to a grinding halt!


Well, I must say, I am impressed, <name>. I didn't think you had the mettle for this mission. Well done. Well done, indeed.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 19500 experience.
  • 300 reputation with Honor Hold
The entirety of this quest happens at Hellfire Peninsula

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