The Barrens Port - Quêtes

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The Barrens Port

Speak with Wharfmaster Dizzywig in Ratchet.


Ratchet is the only port in the Barrens. Most likely Velinde found a trading vessel in Ratchet to take her to Blackwater Cove in Azeroth. We've had limited dealings with the goblins that run the port, but the master of the dock should have information about the comings and goings of ship passengers.

Follow the road southeast through Ashenvale and you will find yourself in the Barrens. Watch your step, <name>, warriors of the Horde patrol the land. You will be safe at the port, though.


<race>, eh? Must admit, we don't get much of your type out here. Looking for someone, eh? Just give me a moment, I'm sure I have it written in one of my ledgers.

Lot of people travel through here, though, so just give me a moment.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1200 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Darnassus
This quest starts at Teldrassil and ends at The Barrens

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