The Dreghood Elders - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 62
  • Required Level: 60
  • Difficulté : 60 65 68
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Naladu
  • End: Naladu


The Dreghood Elders

Free Morod the Windstirrer, Akoru the Firecaller and Aylaan the Waterwaker at the Ruins of Sha'naar. Return to Naladu after completing this task.


The Dreghood spirit is broken because our elders are imprisoned. Take this key and go downstairs to free them.

They are Morod the Windstirrer, Akoru the Firecaller and Aylaan the Waterwaker. Once they are free, the spirits will return to the Dreghood tribe.


I can feel it, <name>! The spirits are returning to us.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 40000 experience.

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