Arconus the Insatiable - Quêtes

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Arconus the Insatiable

Agent Ya-six at Access Shaft Zeon in Netherstorm has asked you to slay Arconus the Insatiable and return to Commander Ameer at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm.


Araxes and I were deployed to Ultris 2 days ago. Our mission: Find and terminate the void lord Arconus. We tracked him to this mine and discovered that he'd been feeding off the energies of the creatures in the area.

A fire-fight broke out which resulted in Araxes and I separating. Now I'm stuck here, badly injured. The mission is in shambles!

If you can take out Arconus, high command would be grateful. Should you accept this mission, I will assist by providing a reflection of myself as a guardian.


And Ya-six? Did he make it?

Let's damn well hope so. I was unable to get reinforcements back to them... Ethereum have the entire area covered now.

My apologies, I nearly forgot about your reward.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Netherstorm

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