Fallen Sky Lake - Quêtes

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Fallen Sky Lake

Retrieve a Fallen Moonstone from the Shadethicket Oracle, then bring it to Pelturas in Astranaar.


Relara's fever has passed, but she is still very weak. I do not believe time alone will give her back the strength she has lost. I believe it will take the power of a moonstone.

We used to gather moonstones at Fallen Sky Lake to the southeast... until the Shadethickets came.

Their leader, a Shadethicket Oracle, gathered up all the fallen moonstones and hoards them. Now, you must retrieve a moonstone from the Oracle.

And to do that, I fear that you must slay him.


Oh, <name>, you have saved my daughter! I know the power of the moonstone will give back my daughter her strength!

I can never repay you fully for the aid you have given me, but... please, take this. Other than Relara, it is my most dear possession.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3050 experience.
  • 350 reputation with Darnassus
The entirety of this quest happens at Ashenvale

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