The Minions of Culuthas - Quêtes

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The Minions of Culuthas

Slay 10 Hounds of Culuthas and 5 Eyes of Culuthas. Then return to Nether-Stalker Nauthis at the Stormspire in the Netherstorm.
Hound of Culuthas (10) killed
Eye of Culuthas (5) killed


A few weeks ago, the Burning Legion moved into the Ruins of Farahlon, thwarting our plans to excavate the site for its artifacts.

Then earlier today, I learned that one of their dreadlords, Culuthas, somehow killed off all of the other Burning Legion. He has since summoned in demons that serve him.

<class>, I want you to go up to those ruins to the northeast and rid them of their demon infestation.


Truly an exceptional job.

With the demons of Culuthas slain, Zephyrion will be able to safely take his excavation team into the Ruins of Farahlon.

Accept this coin as a token of my gratitude.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Netherstorm

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