Shutting Down Manaforge Duro - Quêtes

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Shutting Down Manaforge Duro

Anchorite Karja wants you to go Manaforge Duro and obtain the Duro Access Crystal from Overseer Athanel. Use it at the Manaforge Duro Console to shut it down.

Performing quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.


We've received news from one of the two manaforges that remain operational. The Sunfury army is losing control of Manaforge Duro.

Droves of errant mana creatures have been attracted to it by its increased energy production - the manaforge is in chaos.

An explosion at Duro has the potential to cause a chain reaction that would endanger all of Outland. Overseer Athanel is in possesion of the access crystal you need to safely disable the manaforge.


You are blessed by the naaru, <name>. Your dedication to the cause will not go unnoticed or unrewarded.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Netherstorm

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