The Annals of Kirin'Var - Quêtes

The Annals of Kirin'Var

Retrieve the Annals of Kirin'Var from the town hall of Kirin'Var Village and return it to Custodian Dieworth.


Silencing the spirits has not bled them of their aggression as we had hoped it would. The malevolent spirits you subdued have reemerged in the streets of the town.

We must uncover what is causing this to happen. The destruction of Kirin'Var was just the beginning, or else the spirits would have been quieted by now.

The town hall in the southern section of Kirin'Var maintained a logbook of all the residents. Last I heard, it was in the keeping of Battle-Mage Dathric. Perhaps his spirit still has it.



It seems I was right. There is a pattern here.

The most aggressive and dangerous ghosts coincide with the most powerful and highest ranking Kirin Tor who resided in the village. The townspeople and tradesmen seem overlooked by comparison. What could this mean?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 123000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Netherstorm

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