Journey to Thrallmar - Quêtes

Journey to Thrallmar

Take Vlagga Freyfeather's Wind Rider to Thrallmar. Bring Orion's Report to General Krakork.


When you're ready, I'll summon a wyvern to fly you to Thrallmar. Once you arrive, deliver Orion's report to General Krakork.

Lok'tar ogar, <name> - good luck.


I'll rally what troops I can and send them to aid Orion's forces at the Dark Portal. The Legion will not soon forget the battle cry of the Horde! As for you <name>, you've done a great service for Thrallmar this day. I expect you'll be a great help to us here... if you have the wits to survive, that is.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4800 experience.
  • 300 reputation with Thrallmar
The entirety of this quest happens at Hellfire Peninsula

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